To the Dardanelles and Troy

Lunch at Eceabat while we wait for the ferry from Europe to Asia across the Dardanelles Strait.

Locals swim in the Dardanelles and watch the ferries come and go.

Enjoying my time out on the water!

The legacy of Troy.  However, there are many questions about the excavation of Troy and the destruction of much of the site through the work of Harry Schliemann.  this is an wxcerpt from "Biography:  Heinrich Schliemann, Dicoverer of Troy" by Tim Harry,"Accusations have dented Schliemann's reputation. Priam's Treasure was allegedly found in archaeological levels predating Priam and back into the Early Bronze Age. The artefacts found are also unique and cannot be compared with any finds of an equivalent age. The same can be said of the Mask of Agamemnon, and there are further accusations that he employed a goldsmith to manufacture finds.
Schliemann is now often criticised for the way his excavations were undertaken, and dismissed as a treasure hunter by many archaeologists. He lied or misled throughout his life, in his business, personal and archaeological undertakings, manipulating details of his life and his achievements, Schliemann knew how to get the greatest publicity for his activities, extravagant reports ensured a take up by the popular press, and through his knowledge of language ensured global coverage"

Another good source of information is: 

Heinrich Schliemann and the Discovery of Troy, Homeric Questions By , Guide

Much of Troy is piled pillars and rock.

The remnants of Tory sit among the farmers' fields--This used to be harbor but the shoreline has moved several miles away over the milennia.

Our guide, Orhan, explains the history of Troy.

Dinner at the Tusan Hotel--video

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